Verona - the most beautiful places in one day

Verona, Provinz Verona, Italien

4 h

10 spots

7 km

€ 9,99

Discover the most beautiful places of Verona with this trabble tour. The city of Romeo and Juliet, the great Arena and a lot of Dante. Experience a nice relaxing walk in the beautiful old town. Along the way, learn what keeps the Roman buildings together even after 2,000 years and where you can pick up an extra dose of romance. Plus, take an ice cream break at Verona's oldest ice cream parlor. Sounds tempting? Then let's go to Verona!

Discover the most beautiful places of Verona with this trabble tour. The city of Romeo and Juliet, the great Arena and a lot of Dante. Experience a nice relaxing walk in the beautiful old town. Along the way, learn what keeps the Roman buildings together even after 2,000 years and where you can pick up an extra dose of romance. Plus, take an ice cream break at Verona's oldest ice cream parlor. Sounds tempting? Then let's go to Verona!

trabble tours

trabble tours

Under trabble tours you will find some of our selected tours in Germany and worldwide. Follow us through the neighborhoods and districts - discover new corners and classic must-sees. Unter trabble tours findest du einige von uns ausgewählte Touren in Deutschland und weltweit. Folgt uns durch die Veedel und Kiezes - entdeckt neue Ecken und klassische Must-sees.

Wo die Tour hinführt

This tour takes you once across the old town of Verona. All spots are within walking distance and are very close to each other. Follow in the footsteps of Dante!

Tour in app öffnen

Diese und noch mehr Stationen erwarten dich

Ciao and welcome to your trabble tour of Verona!
Where to go first? Piazza Bra, the largest square far and wide
• • •
Magnificent palaces: Piazza dei Signori & Scavi Scaligeri
Osteria Sgarzarie: Tour finish with delicious food

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